Avedis Guedekelian

  • Medical Student at Touro College of Medicine, California

  • Biology BA at Cal State University Northridge Class of 2021


Microbiology Research

Role of the AcrR Transcriptional Repressor in Directly Regulating Metabolism in Escherichia coli Research Presentation Spring 2021 with the help of Jessica Maldonado, and under the mentorship of Cristian Ruiz Rueda Ph.D

Role of the AcrR Transcriptional Repressor in Directly Regulating Metabolism in Escherichia coli
Research Presentation Spring 2021 with the help of Jessica Maldonado, and under the mentorship of Cristian Ruiz Rueda Ph.D

Role of the AcrAB-TolC Pump in Growth and Motility in Escherichia coli.  Research Presentation Spring 2020 with Labmate Basia Czarnecka, and under the mentorship of Cristian Ruiz Rueda Ph.D (Received 1st Place at CSUNPosium 2020 in the category…

Role of the AcrAB-TolC Pump in Growth and Motility in Escherichia coli. 
Research Presentation Spring 2020 with Labmate Basia Czarnecka, and under the mentorship of Cristian Ruiz Rueda Ph.D (Received 1st Place at CSUNPosium 2020 in the category of College of Science and Math.


Metoclopramide Use: Toxicology Focus

Antibiotic Resitance - Avedis Guedekelian - Avo guedekelian

Antibiotic Resistance:
Is it Inevitable?


Medical Content